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  1. My paintings derive from an artistic approach that I label as “Senso-Pictorialism”, which is a pure projection of an instant mind process inspired by the senses that are triggered by music, scent, visual stimulus, etc..., and the unconscious unfolding of feelings and remembrance.

  2. During the creation process, the inspiration is sequential, in that the precedent artistic movement leads to the next, a color would open the window into the spectrum of a particular palette, a stroke or line would define the surrounding space, and the speed with which these colors and strokes are applied on the canvas would influence the rhythm of the next gesture.

  3. I always work with music, which constitutes an inseparable creativity mechanism and most importantly, a liberator of self-expression and the inner-self.

  4. My artistic composition process which superimposes the above sensuality-driven instinct is mainly geared towards the fatal attraction for the dialogue of contrasts, the harmony between movement and serenity, the dialectic  of transparence and opacity and the juxtaposition of warm and cold colors.

  5. I want my paintings to be an enjoyment and celebration of the human senses for all viewers regardless of their cultural, racial or gender backgrounds.

  6. As a final note, my cross-cultural upbringing, education and life experiences spanning over three continents (Asia, Europe and America) have a primordial influence on my works.  This East-West fusion, whether it be philosophical or artistic, has definitely a transpiring echo in my artistic approach, technique and pictorial language.

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